Monday, September 24, 2018

Walkthru: The Search for Greely

 The Search For Greely

The Search For Greely Adventure Button
By Panguin32

Graham: Nobody has SEEN or HEARD from Greely since he stopped the VOLCANO from erupting! The MONKEYS and I have been SEARCHING through the rubble for any sign of what HAPPENED to him. We haven't found much. But never fear! Now that you're here, we're sure to find SOMETHING! I bet the monkeys ahead could use your HELP.

Pick up a torch and proceed until you find the fire pit. "Courage +5". Cross the mushroom bridge. Proceed over the purple pipes and climb up, after you see the journal papers. Continue until you meet Virgil and Philbert. Read what they say, and continue with the information. "Blue circle".
Meet the monkeys Piper and Charles. "Yellow Star". Meet Luke and Doris and continue your journey. "Orange Triangle".
Meet Graham. When he says something about a combination lock, rotate the shapes to find out what they are. Remember I've dropped some clues! Blue circle, yellow star, and orange triangle!

Explore the hideout.

Go on until you reach a strange machine, that can be activated with a crystal. Proceed. Talk to Graham and pick up the Purple Crystal. Activate the machine. Then Walk through the slush that comes out of the pipes, to create a disguise. You know the rest. Go back to Graham, where a phantom portal awaits you.

Pass Graham. But wait. If you want a treasure, a Clover Blanket, you have to go find a smaller portal. When you go through it, you get a prize!

Enter the Phantom Portal. Go straight, straight. The phantom disguise will wear off. Do not be alarmed. It is meant to wear off.

Click on the Phantom Pods a lot of times, and break them. "Courage +5 for all pods".

Continue until you see Greely, chained and locked up with 5 locks. Go North-East first, as that is your easiest. Turn right at corridor, and pick up the boomseeds.

You will see a web. Don't click on it until you have "Boomed" the phantoms behind it. When you see the lasers, you must use your wits! This is the easiest to be done. I have done it once without getting touched at all!

Break two pods and enter a kind of a cove. Open the treasure and receive 150 gems. Slip through the lasers.

Get knocked out by the lasers. That is the easiest way to return. Open a lock. Go back to the passage and this time, turn left.

You will see two lasers before you enter. Enter when it's all clear. Press the lever to close the three lasers, then continue through the maze of lasers. It's not impossible! you can do it!

Reach the last laser point.

Grab the key, then get knocked out by the lasers. Unlock the next lock. "Courage +25".

Now go south east. This one is MUCH more difficult but you can survive it. Pick up a pile of boomseeds, and get rid of the phantoms beyond the web you see, before you break it.

Defeat the rest of the phantoms before you continue. The key is unprotected. Take it, and turn back. Too late! There's a phantom machine over there, and another in that passage! Try to defeat them with boomseeds.

When you get put into a deep sleep, and there's still some phantoms there, defeat them. Don't go free Greely. It's gonna be a huge disaster if you do so. If you want to still do it, do it and see! :D

 The last lock is medium problemized.

Go south-west, pick up a pile of boomseeds, and destroy the pods. Defeat the phantoms, avoid the lasers. Believe me, this is slower than the last one we did, but much more easier.

Find the lever and close it. Proceed to the south-east passage. Destroy the pods then rush to the cove. Get inside the passage-way, avoiding the laser.

Rush past the two phantoms, defeat them and slip into the second cove. Pick up some boomseeds.

Slip through the defenses, use your brains! I'm not going to tell you EVERYTHING. I know, this is supposed to be a full walkthru, but.. yes.

Get the key somehow and get put into a deep sleep.

Unlock the fourth lock.

Two phantom kings will appear. Pick up boomseeds, go near them to make them... meditate? Then get out of their way VERY quickly, and use your boomseeds to hit them - in the eye. At first, they will become angry, and phantoms will spring up. Gradually, as you slam them, they become weaker, and get defeated. "Courage +200".



Phantom Goop, Greely Wanted Poster, Phantom Vines, Small Phantom Pod.

Other prizes only in Hard Mode.



Violet AJ said...

That seems like a pretty useful walkthrough!

PanguinAJ said...

Thanks! By the way I LOVE your blog. ;)

Violet AJ said...

Aww thank you!

Anonymous said...

Omg. You helped me achieve the treasurer of The Search For Greely and wow!! I've played it a load of times and never won... This blog is SO GREAT keep it up, Pan!!

Unknown Fan

PanguinAJ said...

Um, thanks Anonymous, but who are you lol