Hey there, jammers! Its Panguin back again, time for action! Be ready for a startling post on Monday. I truly regret to announce it. But first the happy news! Then the sad news! (Tomorrow)
Today we take a deep look into Animal Jam.
What is Animal Jam?
So we take a deep breath and get into the real thing. What is Animal Jam? A parents' question before they send their child into it.
Animal Jam is an educational Animal learning game dedicated to eight year olds. Over the years to pass, more and more 11 year olds play it. Plus teenagers.
Animal Jam has been created by National Geographic, in 2010. They got some members to 'beta test' it, which it succeeded on it's first try. Throughout it's journey, Animal Jam has collected 100 MILLION Players.
Let's take a look into the Pros and Cons of AJ.
Animal Jam is a educational game.
It is also a National Geographic game, which makes it better XD. It also has holiday themed stages and periods of time. It gives you some offline activities as well, plus betas and rares at different sstagesetc etc. Whoops.. I'm writing from the phone so.. Sorry..
Scams. Scammers are seen almost every day in Animal Jam. .. Also Membership. And addiction. Your child needs a set time to play and stop playing. Etc, etc. I'm sure you know the rest. With every game its the same.
Please tell me what you think of Animal Jam. Try not you blow up, as I do not tolerate that.
Thank you.
I remember the days when I played Aj every single day and when my dad wasn’t home for a whole day I would literally go on his computer and play it all day... I miss those days:( When did you join?
Hey I'm like that too! Lol. I joined in the late middles of 2015, and at that time I was too small to understand AJ so yea. Now I'm able to understand it and plus its my style! Lol. Ugh this phone keeps auto correcting me...
LOL, nice post. People think about a silly child's game when they think of AJ... When really it's a bunch of people in a social hierarchy based on wealth, and it's basically everyone wants to become richer and the rich are cooler.
I agree with you, but being rich or poor makes no difference. Members or non members alike, all of them need to have kindness and goodness in them.
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