Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Leaving Animal Jam

My letter to AJ:

To whom this may concern,

I am a recent blogger, and I have joined in late 2015. My username is Panguin32, and I'm an eleven year old. This is regarding the chat system, how it's NOT, and let me say it again. NOT safe. 

As you know, many adults play AJ too, and honestly, if you want my opinion, 16 (and up) year olds should be banned from AJ. You say you have expert moderators, but, if you want my opinion, you should go onto AJ in disguise. 

My mother has banned me from playing AJ, because of one thing. Your history. If you can take a moment to read all those 2015, and 2016 reviews, you would see what they say. It's disgusting. I might never return to play again, and I don't think you will re-do the chat. If you do, however, I MIGHT return back, to play, maybe in 2019 or 2020. I'm not kidding. Alright, so WHAT should you replace in AJ?

Phantoms. They're evil. Also, the adventures don't seem to be really doing much good in AJ. 

Betas. Return all the betas in AJ. If you ask me why, I can give you TWO good reasons. 1. Scamming. That's all I see on AJ. Everyday, everyday I log on, I see these giveaways. Everyday I go to at least one or two, and 98% of them are scams. 2. People think of AJ as a rarity game, which it is.

 Unfortunately, I think I've seen 83% of the whole of AJ filled with almost nothing, really, nothing that is educational. I even looked up 'Top Ten Educational Games 2017/18' and AJ wasn't even on the list. I think that it doesn't have a single particle of educational things on it.

Then, I looked up scamming. Why do you even call it scamming? If you've tried to hide it, then the truth is coming out. It's not called scamming. It's called S T E A L I N G. Have you ever heard that word before? If I ever scammed, I would be considered a T H E I F. A huge-time R O B B E R. The lowest of the low. Not many have considered it at this stage, I know. But it's true! 
Look at Aparri and WisteriaMoon. Have you watched their videos? Once WisteriaMoon hacked Aparri, I know, he gave the password to her. But the thing is, WisteriaMoon showed them all outright, 'I love WM'. And on of their videos, the title was, 'BOYFRIEND IN AJ?' or something like that. That's why I quit watching the famous you-tubers. At all. 

Facts. Boring. How about more offline activities? I'm so addicted to it, I'm sure I almost ruined myself. I introduced my best friend into it. We got out just in time, before we saw things.

Things. Have you seen those people who say "Looking for a boy," all over AJ?? It's 100% teen/adult. And the worst thing is, there are kids as young as six, believe me, I've seen two six-year olds playing AJ. Then people ask, 'I'm 12. And you?' I've been able to say this many times (alone), but almost never to people. 
Email. I was able to tell my email SEVEN times, if you want to know. I even was able to tell people my blog address. It's WAAAAAAY against the rules, I know. And I care. How many people have been prone to this? More than a million, for sure. 

I know you will try to block and ban me out of AJ. I don't care! And if you do, I will post it up on my blog. This very letter is being put on it. And I'm not blackmailing you. I'm... not doing anything except give you the real truth. My opinions.

And I'm not giving away my rares in a trust giveaway. I'll treat them to my friends. I won't even do the wheel. I'll just trade them away. I think I truly am shocked by these reviews.

I'm writing this sincerely, and from my heart. I hope you will take this into deep consideration, and think of the children exposed to strangers out there. 

Yours truly,


Do you see now why I left? I hope you know what's going on in AJ. And, if I ever come back, I'll NOT blog again. Never. Ever. I think you can goodbye forever to my blog, because I'm not going to visit it again.

I'm sorry for doing this, honestly I am. But sometimes truth is harsh. There are two types of pain, one that will BREAK you, and one that will MAKE you. When you move backwards, you are being aimed towards your next goal, like an arrow.

Thank you for reading this.

PanguinAJ a.k.a May


q1zx said...

Hello Panguin! Your blog was a source of some great writing and unique takes on certain ideas and I'd love to see you keep up your blog so we can still read old posts! We'll miss you, you did great. And you're ELEVEN? Your writing is fantastic without knowing that, but you are certainly more patient than most students, I don't know anyone who's eleven that can write more than a paragraph without quitting.

Anyway, your farewell letter. I disagree with a lot of things in it. However, you are leaving and it would be quite unnecessary to state a debate. You do have some great points later on. I wish you luck in life! Make sure you always brush your teeth and try your best! Go to college if you can, by the way. You will have a great future, fellow writer!

Hope to see you around sometime again, but in the meantime, keep being yourself! We'll miss you!

PanguinAJ said...

Hi, q1zx, Yea... I know. I'll MAYBE come back later on when I'm 13 or so, but it depends on Animal Jam. Ohh lots of people are eleven. I'm homeschooled so I guess I got a little bit of higher stuff... and also I'm in middle school soooo :D

Lol. I'll see you some other times. Miss the old days when AJ was nothing but facts (2017) and when I didn't know what scamming was even.

Lastly, goodbye.


Violet AJ said...

Aw this is sad. I know I didn’t know you for long but I always enjoyed your posts!

PanguinAJ said...

You too! I'll be reading all your posts as well, both of you :D