Friday, September 14, 2018

Welcome to Panguin's Space!

Hey there jammers!

I'm a jammer been on Animal Jam since 2015 (middles), and I'm Panguin32 (nonusername is PanguinAJ)! I wasn't so interested in it the last two years since I was pretty small then.

So you're probably wondering how I got my username as Panguin32, which is very simple! It's NOT a spelling mistake, it was very intentional, and although I've got teased about it a hundred times, I'm using it as a stepping stone! So, probably throughout the three years my username got added onto the chat, safe chat, and safe chat plus! It's Panguin (if you didn't know).

So basically I did want to put *Penguin _something_* but all the names were taken so I just added Panguin32. It didn't occur to me to put PanguinAJ. What's done can't be undone. Anyway. I kind of got tired of it and it was only in 2017, December I returned to see it. I was VERY happy because this was my style and I found my way around really quickly.

Happily I gained some new items and there was this event in Crystal Sands. I actually obtained an item called "Message in the Bottle" and a VERY nice jammer gave me a non member den beta (a floor) in 2018. I was so pleased!

She advised me to check out the non member promo item "Mystical Faerie Wings", which I currently have in my possession. It got scammed about 3 times in total so... yea. I got it back though. (Not from the scammer)

Once I got a "Cool Banner" that's worth 1-2 den betas for actually nothing, someone came to my den when a "Beta Sink" (worth 1 rim) was in it, and asked me if any of them were den betas. Then when I said no, they traded me the "Cool Banner"! I was like, "You sure? Not many know the Beta Sink is worth nothing!" They replied like, yea, you were honest so here goes! (I wonder if they were recording at that time XD!)

Yea. I'd better end this post now but before I go there's a HUGE, MEGA update on Animal Jam. You should check it out! Safe Chat Plus is available now for non members and the Autumn den is available for ALL jammers! I got both. And you ask why?

Yea. It's because there is 100 MILLION Animal Jam Web AND Animal Jam Play Wild jammers! Whooo whooo!

Another thing, redeem the newest AJBDAY code quickly, before it's gone! The code is AJBDAY8 and it's tried and tested! It probably won't be available after September so hurry up and get it! Yea and if you are reading this about A WHOLE LOT OF YEARS later you can rest assured there's no chance of you getting it for free. Unless you live in AJ.

I'll see you later! And we'll be sure to add some GR8 things to do as well!


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